What’s going on “under the table”?

image of handshake under a table to depict the expression "under the table"

“Under the Table”

Before you read on, please watch the 45-second video above – and take the multiple-choice quiz. Are you able to correctly guess the meaning of “under the table”?

Were you right?

As revealed in the video, the idiom “under the table” refers to something that is hidden, dishonest, or unlawful. Typically it is used to describe receiving payment or compensation “off the record” or without proper documentation, most often to evade taxes or regulations. It can also imply conducting business in a hidden or secret way.


Here are some examples of “under the table” used correctly in a sentence:

  • He paid his workers under the table to avoid taxes.
  • The contract was settled under the table, away from prying eyes.
  • The company’s unethical practices included paying bribes under the table.

“Above Board”

Obviously conducting business “under the table” can get a person – or a business – in trouble, especially if the dealings are illegal. However, if you conduct business in an open, honest, and transparent way, you can say that all your dealings are “above board”. This is an idiom that means the exact opposite of “under the table.” Here are some examples:

  • The company’s financial records were always kept above board, ensuring complete transparency for investors.
  • Sarah insisted on conducting the negotiations above board, refusing to engage in any underhanded tactics.
  • It’s crucial for a government to operate above board to maintain public trust and confidence.

Business English With Cheryl

There are so many idioms and expressions that come in handy in a business setting. Not only are they a shorthand to help communicate ideas efficiently, but they also indicate a deeper understanding of English business culture. If you are looking to improve your business English, please take a look at my private class offers. I would love to help!


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