
Cheryl is one of the most talented, creative teachers I‘ve ever had in my life. She is also a great listener, making me feel comfortable when I express myself. She inspired me a lot on points that I overlooked in my English study; for example, North American culture, rhythm, intonation etc. I strongly recommend Cheryl as your private English teacher.
– Monica Tong

谢丽尔(Cheryl) 是位非常有沟通天分,有趣而且负责的老师。跟她学习时间过得很快,她总能一针见血指出我英语的问题,而且她的学习方法充满创意趣味。

English student
English student

Cheryl has been my English teacher for many years. As a Spanish speaker, my mind reverts back to Spanish. My conversation sessions with Cheryl help me keep my English in top shape. As important as grammar, pronunciation, and sentence structure is, the main benefit of working with Cheryl is the building of my self-confidence when I speak English. 

Cheryl me ha ayudado con la gramaria, la pronunciacion y la estructura de fraces, pero el beneficio mas grande que he obtenido estudiando con Cheryl es la aumentacion de confianza en mi mismo cuando hablo ingles.

Alain Guillot, from The Alain Guillot Podcast.

Like many Chinese adult students, I have always struggled with English pronunciation. Luckily I got help from Cheryl, who corrected my pronunciation, word by word, and coached me about word linking and stressing. Those tips helped me speak smoothly and sound more natural. After our sessions, not only was my pronunciation improved, but also my confidence. In fact, I even won first place for my very first speech at McGill Toastmasters in Montreal.  Thank you, Cheryl!
– Julia Du

关于英语的学习,像许多中国成人学生一样,英语的发音是个巨大的挑战,并长时间困扰我。幸运的是Cheryl老师对此给予了我巨大的帮助。她逐字逐句地帮我纠正发音,教会我词和词之间的读音连接和轻重音,这些发音技巧使我的英文听起来更自然流畅。这些有针对性的训练, 不仅纠正和改进了我的发音,而且我说话时自信也提高了,自信可是提高英文对话水平的关键哦。而且令人难以置信的是,我在麦吉尔大学TMC英文演讲俱乐部中获得首秀一等奖。感谢 Cheryl!

English student
English student

I joined Toastmasters in order to improve my communication skills and I was very fortunate  to have Cheryl as my coach. She devoted time and patience to provide insightful feedback before and after my speeches. I really enjoyed upgrading my skills at a meaningful pace. Thank you very much, Cheryl. 
– Florent Lado, PhD, MBA

Cheryl est une coach dévouée qui vous aide à aborder les difficultés une étape à la fois et à bâtir sur vos forces pour progresser dans l’apprentissage de la communication en anglais.

Before taking English classes with Cheryl, I didn’t feel comfortable having a conversation. I was scared of not speaking well enough and making mistakes. Cheryl’s lessons really helped me out a lot. Thanks to her, I can speak without fear. Her lessons are interactive, she makes me feel at ease and covers interesting and current topics. If you have any specific topics you want to discuss, you just have to say it and she’ll adapt. In addition to being competent and attentive, Cheryl is very funny and friendly. If you’re looking to practice your English, feel more comfortable and learn useful vocabulary, you should go to Cheryl – you’ll even have fun doing it! I recommend it 100%.
– Mathilde Beaufils

Avant de prendre des cours avec Cheryl, je ne me sentais pas à l’aise pour avoir une conversation en anglais. J’avais peur de ne pas parler assez bien et de faire des erreurs. Les leçons de Cheryl m’ont vraiment beaucoup aidé. Grâce à elle, je peux parler sans crainte. Ses leçons sont interactives, elle me met à l’aise et aborde des sujets intéressants et actuels. Si tu as des sujets spécifiques que tu veux aborder, tu n’as qu’à le dire et elle s’adaptera. En plus d’être compétente et à l’écoute, Cheryl est très drôle et sympathique. Si tu cherches à pratiquer ton anglais, à te sentir plus à l’aise et à apprendre du vocabulaire utile, c’est à Cheryl que tu dois t’adresser, en plus tu vas le faire en ayant du fun ! Je recommande à 100%.

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