My advice? Learn a new phrasal verb every week

What are Phrasal Verbs? A phrasal verb is a verb combined with one or more particles (such as prepositions or adverbs) that together create a new meaning that is different from the original verb. Example:“give” (verb) means to provide, to supply, to let someone have“give up” (phrasal verb) means to quit Why study Phrasal Verbs?… Continue reading My advice? Learn a new phrasal verb every week

Beginner English Questions

What’s your name? Where are you from? What do you do? What’s your nationality? What is your nationality? Look at the image below. Is your country there? If not, please find out your nationality and write it in the comments! Practice These Questions “What’s your name?”, “Where are you from?”, and “What do you do?”… Continue reading Beginner English Questions

Do you cut corners?

The Story of Nadège, who cut corners at work Nadège, eager to impress her boss with a quick turnaround, cut corners while preparing the financial report. Rushing through calculations and overlooking details, she submitted it ahead of schedule. However, her haste led to errors. When the discrepancies were discovered during a crucial meeting, her credibility… Continue reading Do you cut corners?

The Difference between “Lose” and “Loose”

Some English words are tricky, especially when they sound alike but have different meanings and spellings. Two such words are “lose” and “loose.” Let’s break down their differences to help you use them correctly every time. “Lose” (pronounced “looz”) is a verb, meaning to be deprived of something or to fail to win. For example:… Continue reading The Difference between “Lose” and “Loose”

“Less” or “Fewer”

Let’s look at a grammar point that many people – including native English speakers – often get wrong. And that is when to use the word “less” versus when to use the word “fewer”. The answer depends on whether the noun we’re referring to is countable or not. Less If the noun we’re describing cannot… Continue reading “Less” or “Fewer”