Miss the boat, a story

She met him in France Lisa is from Canterbury, England. Sam is from Paris, France. While vacationing in Paris, Lisa met Sam at the Opéra Garnier. They had both gone alone, but their seats were next to each other. He loved the music. She loved the drama. And, at the end of the last scene,… Continue reading Miss the boat, a story

Meaning of “on the fence”

The idiom “on the fence” means that someone is undecided or neutral about a decision. Imagine a fence dividing two sides. If you’re sitting on that fence, you haven’t chosen one side or the other. You’re in the middle, unsure of which way to go. Now imagine that your friends are deciding where to go… Continue reading Meaning of “on the fence”

Do you cut corners?

The Story of Nadège, who cut corners at work Nadège, eager to impress her boss with a quick turnaround, cut corners while preparing the financial report. Rushing through calculations and overlooking details, she submitted it ahead of schedule. However, her haste led to errors. When the discrepancies were discovered during a crucial meeting, her credibility… Continue reading Do you cut corners?