Talk about the past, present, and future

Actions verbs you should know! Here is a table of 12 action verbs that describe everyday activities: VERB PAST (Simple) PRESENTCONTINUOUS FUTURE(Simple) I am ____he/she is ___you/we/they are ___ teach taught teaching will teach learn learned learning will learn talk talked talking will talk listen listened listening will listen eat ate eating will eat drink… Continue reading Talk about the past, present, and future

The Difference between “Lose” and “Loose”

Some English words are tricky, especially when they sound alike but have different meanings and spellings. Two such words are “lose” and “loose.” Let’s break down their differences to help you use them correctly every time. “Lose” (pronounced “looz”) is a verb, meaning to be deprived of something or to fail to win. For example:… Continue reading The Difference between “Lose” and “Loose”

“Less” or “Fewer”

Let’s look at a grammar point that many people – including native English speakers – often get wrong. And that is when to use the word “less” versus when to use the word “fewer”. The answer depends on whether the noun we’re referring to is countable or not. Less If the noun we’re describing cannot… Continue reading “Less” or “Fewer”