My advice? Learn a new phrasal verb every week

Phrasal Verbs, look up to, look down on, put up with, get along with

What are Phrasal Verbs?

A phrasal verb is a verb combined with one or more particles (such as prepositions or adverbs) that together create a new meaning that is different from the original verb.

“give” (verb) means to provide, to supply, to let someone have
“give up” (phrasal verb) means to quit

Why study Phrasal Verbs?

  1. Communication: Phrasal verbs are common, used in everyday spoken and written English. Similar to idioms, their meanings may not be obvious so it’s useful to study them.
  2. Fluency: Using phrasal verbs can help learners sound more natural and fluent.
  3. Variety in Expression: They allow for more varied and nuanced ways to express ideas and actions.

Tip for learning Phrasal Verbs

If you’ve been learning English, you’ve probably heard – and learned – many phrasal verbs in context. My suggestion would be to either buy a phrasal verb dictionary or look up phrasal verbs online – and, every week, use one new phrasal verb as much as you can. Here are a list of phrasal verbs and their meanings to get you started:

Break down

  • Meaning: To stop functioning (machine, vehicle)
  • Example: “My car broke down on the way to work.”

Bring up

  • Meaning: To raise (a child) or to mention (a topic)
  • Example: “She brought up her children well.” / “He brought up an interesting point in the meeting.”

Call off

  • Meaning: To cancel
  • Example: “They called off the meeting due to bad weather.”

Come across

  • Meaning: To find or meet by chance
  • Example: “I came across an old friend in the park.”

Give up

  • Meaning: To stop trying or to quit
  • Example: “He gave up smoking last year.”

Look forward to

  • Meaning: To anticipate with pleasure
  • Example: “I’m looking forward to the holidays.”

Put off

  • Meaning: To postpone
  • Example: “They put off the meeting until next week.”

Take after

Example: “She takes after her mother.”

Meaning: To resemble (usually a family member)

Online English lessons on Phrasal Verbs

If you would like more help and guidance to learn phrasal verbs, don’t hesitate to contact me. I offer online English lessons including specialized classes dedicated entirely to phrasal verbs!

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