Get Ready for your Job Interview

How to answer 6 Common Job Interview Questions

Tell me about yourself

If you have a job interview coming up, there are a few things you can expect – and prepare for. You are likely to be asked to tell the interviewer a bit about yourself. It can be challenging to respond to such a general prompt. Here is a structure that can be helpful when considering how to respond:

  • Open with something personal and short
    “I live in the west end of the city,” or
    “I’m from Nigeria.”
  • Education (especially related to the job position)
    “I have a degree/certificate in ____,” or
    “I’ve completed a course in _____,” or
    “I’m studying ____.”
  • Work-related experience
    “I worked for ___ years in a similar position,” (elaborate) or
    “I volunteered for ____ months doing ______.” (elaborate)
  • A quality of interest
    Do you have a special talent or skill that might be useful to the organization? Mention it!
    “I speak English and Portuguese,” or
    “I have excellent writing skills,” or
    “I have a lot of experience leading groups.” (elaborate)
  • Express interest in the position
    Wrap up your response by linking what you’ve said to your interest in the job.
    “And it’s precisely these skills and interests that led me to apply for this position. I would love work for your organization.”

5 Commonly asked questions

Prepare for your interview by contemplating these five often-asked questions. Practice your answers so that you will be able to respond with confidence. For ideas on how to respond, please watch the video above.

  1. Are you a team player?
  2. What is your greatest strength?
  3. What is your greatest weakness?
  4. What are your salary expectations?
  5. Do you have any questions for us?

Need extra help preparing for your interview?

If you’d like extra help preparing for an upcoming job interview, please contact me about doing a one-on-one session. In this specialized session we can discuss specific vocabulary related to the position, do mock dialogues, and work on the presentation of your responses. I’ll help you put your best foot forward* – and nail* that interview!


*Put one’s best foot forward:
Make a good impression or Do one’s best in a particular situation.

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