What are they saying?!

English expression: Cat Got Your Tongue?

You already speak a little English. Maybe you even speak a lot. You know how to ask for directions, order food at a restaurant, or make small talk with a stranger. So why, you ask, do you sometimes find yourself having a lot difficulty understanding people at a party – or in a meeting?

It can be challenging to participate in a conversation when you’re not sure what everyone is saying. People in a group often speak over one another instead of speaking one at a time. They can speak too quickly as well – or use expressions that you’ve never heard before.

There’s a funny English expression that’s used when someone is being uncharacteristically quiet. We might ask; “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” This is another way of asking; “Why are you being so quiet?”

If you find yourself being quiet around people simply because you don’t understand what they’re saying, don’t get discouraged. Be patient, knowing that you are practicing your English listening skills. Try to pick out words that you know, different phrases, or just listen to the music of the language. You are likely learning more than you realize!

If you’d like a more structured form of English practice, both speaking and listening, I encourage you to try one of my Conversation Classes. These are private, one-on-one, online classes designed to address your individual English-learning goals. They are perfect for beginner, intermediate, or advanced English learners. Interested? Let’s talk!

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