Beginner English Questions

What's your name? Where are you from? What do you do?

What’s your name?

  • Cheryl: Hi, my name is Cheryl. Whats your name?
  • Alex: My name is Alex.
  • Cheryl: Nice to meet you.
  • Alex: Nice to meet you, too.

Where are you from?

  • Cheryl: I’m from Canada. Where are you from?
  • Alex: I’m from Belgium.

What do you do?

  • Cheryl: I’m an English teacher.
  • Alex: I’m a construction worker.

What’s your nationality?

  • Cheryl: I’m Canadian.
  • Alex: I’m Belgian.

What is your nationality? Look at the image below. Is your country there? If not, please find out your nationality and write it in the comments!

Practice These Questions

“What’s your name?”, “Where are you from?”, and “What do you do?” are often the first questions we learn to ask – and to answer! To practice these questions, and others too, please watch the video above. Listen carefully. You will be tested at the end!

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For more practice, please consider taking private lessons with me. For more information, take a look at the classes and packages I offer. I would love to help you!

– Cheryl

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